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Activating with Artwork
Artwork is an integral part of feng shui because it helps to attract good Chi energy and can anchor our intentions when placed properly with thought and consideration.
We decorate our living spaces with objects that we love and make us feel inspired. The type of art we choose to display and where we display it is important when looking to improve your life. Here is an example of feng shui art created by Maestro Xavier Quijas Yxayotl. Xavier resides in Arizona where he creates one of kind custom feng shui paintings. Fame & Transformation: Place in the South or Fame/Reputation area.
The color red and number 9 are both aspects of the south sector. The butterflies that we see in this painting represent not only transformation, but taking your name out into the world. Great for artists, business owners and entrepreneurs to attract increased business and wealth.
~Chi Blessings~
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