How I Overcame Burn-Out

School’s out, the sun is hot and summer vacation is here! 

I’ve always loved summer. Even as a little girl, I would look forward to the time of flip flops, tank tops, pool days and the “freeness” of summer.

As an adult, I still love the “feeling” of the season and look for opportunities to get recharged & refreshed. Whether it’s a dip in the pool, a bit of retail therapy or hanging out with friends, summer is the social season. 

Since I live in Phoenix, Az., 🌞 the summertime can be a bit challenging if not prepared. One of the biggest problems (besides scalding your legs on a leather car seat 😳) is dehydration. 

Our bodies can get dehydrated naturally just from everyday perspiration, urination, tears, and saliva, but today I want to talk about when your life is dehydrated.

What do I mean by this? Well, do you have the tendency to overdo it? Do you try to please everyone? Do everything for everyone? Be everything for everyone? Trying to do all of the things for all the people? Are you overwhelmed by the simplest of daily tasks?

Just recently I had to take a break myself because my life was dehydrated, my spirit was dehydrated and I just had no energy to give to anything or anyone. I was exhausted in every possible way.

In hindsight, I can see that this didn’t happen overnight and been building for a while. 

  • We were traveling pretty much every month, doing some sort of event or show.
  • I was working full time at the pharmacy. 
  • All the other duties of life (shopping, cleaning, bills, etc.)
  • Being a wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, friend AND entrepreneur.

Then this past October, energies shifted and my life as I’d known it began changing. I’d come to the end of a two year coaching program and experienced a deep sense of loss that I hadn’t expected to feel. 
Right after that in November my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and then in December Xavier’s oldest son unexpectedly passed away. 
January came, Xavier went to be with his family and my Mom underwent a double mastectomy. 

All of these things begin to take a toll. 

February arrives and with the Chinese New Year, I hit a wall. All the activities, events, travelling and emotions had built up until I couldn’t go any further.

I was completely burnt out and felt overwhelmed and overextended in every aspect of my life. I literally couldn’t do anything related to my business or dealing with any important issues. Just to think about it would cause me angst and I’d feel so exhausted and need to go to bed. 

And that’s what I did. I spent a lot of time in my bed just resting and healing my spirit. 

During this time I started thinking of all of the tools that I have as a shamanic practitioner and as an energy worker, from reiki to crystals to singings bowls and herbs, but I had no energy to put them into practice. 

I was completely drained and depleted. There was absolutely nothing left in my cup to give to anyone or anything, least of all for myself. đŸ˜©

It was at this point I realized I needed to take a step back. I needed to take stock of what was going on within myself and in my life. I needed a way to get my energy back and renew my zest for life.

So that’s what I did. 

I went back to the basics. I scoured the many tools of my trainings from different modalities. I went back to what I started doing many years ago when I began my practice. Back to the beginning, to what worked before all the teachers, classes and many certificates. 

Light a candle
This basic most simple action marks the beginning of ceremony, the beginning of healing. I was taught that once the flame is lit the ceremony begins. That’s what life is, is a ceremony. When we keep this in mind it makes it a little easier to stay focused on what’s important and walk in beauty. 💖

We start with the fire element, đŸ”„this is the spark of our intent and for me, my intent was for renewed energy to get back to doing the things I love in my life with the people I love. 

When we are physically dehydrated we are lacking moisture in our body.  When we are mentally or spiritually dehydrated we are lacking the nourishing moisture that comes from self-care. Including exercise, diet, spirituality and rest.  

When out of alignment or flow this can show up as blockages at home, in relationships and in our career. 
We need action, we need motion. No fire, no energy for movement and change.

And so by simply lighting a candle 🕯I began my journey back to wholeness again and so can you. 😊

If you’re going through a time of spiritual or mental dehydration and need some guidance in getting to the well🚰 I’m here to help. I’m here with you and for you to get you going in the right direction.  Schedule your personal Feng Shui Farmacy Check-up today. Together we’ll work on a strategy to get you moving forward again. 

Here’s what’s included: 

  • 30 minute focus call designed to get you clear on identifying and moving through your personal blocks that are holding you back from your happiest, best life. The call is recorded so that you can refer back to whenever you like.
  • Personalized mantra or phrase designed specifically for you as a tool in achieving your goals. 

Investment: $38

I’ll let you in on a little secret , I’ve been working on a special project called “Everyday Rituals for Balance & Renewal” and this is just one of many simple and easy tips I share on how to regain balance in your life during those times when you are overwhelmed and struggling.

In my practice, I’ve studied with Master teachers on Shamanism, Energy work, Spirituality and Holistic Health and this is a compilation of my own personal rituals passed down from them that I use when I’m feeling stuck and need to boost the energy in my life. 

Click here to get early access to “Everyday Rituals for Balance & Renewal”.  You’ll be added to the list and be one of the first notified upon it’s release. 😀


One response to “Back to Basics:”

  1. Great guidance needed by most folks ; especially those that think they don’t, though their time Wil come as every thing and every one has a cycle called : The Cycles Of Life .

    Tlazocamati Ipalnemoani Ometeotl

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