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Category: wealth
🌱 Think Feng Shui is Just Moving Plants or Wearing Lucky Colors? Think Again! 🌱
When most people first hear about Feng Shui, it’s easy to assume it’s just about rearranging a few plants or wearing certain colors to “attract good luck.” But true Feng […]
A New Job, New Opportunities, and New Beginnings
in Clutter, De-clutter, eco, Feng Shui, health, holistic health, Home, Prosperity, Self-help, Self-love, wealth, wellnessAs June unfolds, I am thrilled to share that I am starting a new job! After 18 months of reflection and rejuvenation, this new chapter brings with it the excitement […]
Feng Shui Your Way to Prosperity: New Year Rituals for Abundance!
As we gear up to welcome the new year, it’s the perfect time to embrace fresh beginnings and make positive changes in our lives. Whether you’re aiming to boost your […]
Creating a Life You Love: Vision Board 101
According to the Law of Attraction, “like attracts like.” Basically, what we think about will come about. Whether you’re aware of your thoughts or not, you are attracting every single […]
Declutter Your Holidays
It’s that time of year when parties and get togethers are happening weekly (or more), decorations and tree trimming supplies are in every room, and the list of To-Do’s is […]