Chinese Zodiac Sign — OX

Learn how to create more luck in your life by activating your Chinese Zodiac sign
with Feng Shui.

Here’s what you need to know about your zodiac sign:


The ox is the second sign of the Chinese Zodiac
The ox is the second sign of the Chinese Zodiac

BIRTH YEARS: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021



Ox signs often take on others burdens as their own. They can be prone to depression and can often be very eloquent and hard-working. Ox people are generally healthy and don’t like to lose or feel like failures. They can often be supportive of the wrong people but their loyalty is to be admired. Oxes are very patient and work tirelessly for their employers and their families. Their mind is very keen though and exemplifies “still waters run deep.” They can often worry too much about money, though they are not materialistic. They’re friendly and loyal, honest and patient. An ox isn’t crazy about being told what to do though and often resist doing thing
they know are right.



Compass Direction 22.5°-37.5°
Ruling Hours 1 am – 3 am
Direction North – North East
Season Winter
Colour Yellow, Beige
Polarity Yin
Positive Traits Responsible, dependable, honest, caring, honorable, intelligent, industrious, practical, patient
Negative Traits Petty, inflexible, possessive, stubborn, critical, intolerant, materialistic, eccentric
Compatibility Snake, Rooster
Secret Friend Rat
Enemy Sheep