Chinese Zodiac Sign — SHEEP

Learn how to create more luck in your life by activating your Chinese Zodiac sign
with Feng Shui.

Here’s what you need to know about your zodiac sign:


The sheep or ram is the eighth size of the Chinese zodiac
The sheep or ram is the eighth size of the Chinese zodiac

BIRTH YEARS: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027



Sheep signs are often reserved and seemingly shy, but you have a deep passion for what you believe and feel. You are well known for your creative abilities and may even have artistic talents. Sheep are very caring and considerate but you can sometimes wear your feelings on your sleeve and this can cause you to be offended by something you misunderstood. You don’t like making important decisions or causing disruption by taking a strong opinion. Even so, you make lots of friends and have solid friendships.



Compass Direction 202.5° – 217.5°
Ruling Hours 1 pm – 3 pm
Direction South – South West
Season Summer
Colour Yellow, Beige
Polarity Yin
Positive Traits Honest, compassionate, creative, empathetic, generous, compliant, gentle, intuitive, modest
Negative Traits Pessimistic, materialistic, irresponsible, anxious, lazy, self-pitying, capricious, indecisive
Compatibility Rabbit, Pig
Secret Friend Horse
Enemy Ox