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Mother’s Day & Feng Shui
This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day and all the wonderful things that represent “Mom”. 😉
There are countless ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. Many will have family get togethers to celebrate Mom. While some will send gifts and cards, others will send email or even text messages. And of course, there is always the reliable phone call.
In feng shui the mother or female energy is located in the Southwest sector. We want to ensure that the woman of the house is always happy and content. 😊 Enhancing this space will strengthen the feminine energy to help “Mom” out and you know the saying “ If Momma’s happy, everybody’s happy”, so try these tips in the southwest corner to create harmonious, balanced energy in your home.
Activating the Southwest corner: Do’s
• The earth element is the main element of the Southwest. It brings stability, grounding, nourishment, and protection. Display art with strong earth element energy to give a boost to the hardest working person in the house 😉.
• Display art expressing love. Find art that really expresses a feeling of true and nourishing love. Be mindful about the colors in the art also, and avoid dominant colors indicating water, metal, or wood. Also avoid large mirrors, which suggest water.
• Decorate with art, textiles, or even paint an accent wall featuring fire element colors: red, orange, pink, yellow, or purple. Try something simple like adding a few throw pillows in fire colors or changing out the light fixtures with red lampshades. Furniture in red or other fire color also liven up the Southwest corner.
• Place fire or earth element items in pairs. These may be tall candles, decor items in fire colors, or figures with square shapes (the shape of the earth element). Be mindful of using the shape of the earth element to further strengthen the area, and remember to avoid metal, water, and wood in this space.
• Place a pair of crystal swans, mandarin ducks, or a pair of anything in this section to perk up your love-life and activate more romance.
Activating the Southwest: Don’ts
• Never use dried flowers or have dying flowers or plants around. Dead or dying flowers have a negative influence wherever they are placed. Cacti or thorny/prickly plants can cause similar attitudes in people and even arguments among family members.
• Mirrors should never be placed in the bedroom by the side of the bed, at the foot of the bed or over the bed. Having a mirror reflecting the bed is a sure indicator of problems between couples.
• Relocate exercise and computer equipment to other areas – bedrooms are for two things, sleep and sex.
• Find your Kua number to discover which direction to sleep in for optimal personal/relationship health and better sleep.
• Do not give the command position (rear of home) bedroom to a child. This can cause power struggles between parents and child (whoever sleeps in the far back bedroom commands the household).
Are you still looking for a unique gift for Mother’s Day, how about a ticket to the upcoming Ladies Healing Day event. With over 40 lady practitioners and vendors this is a perfect venue to pamper Mom and show her how special and appreciated she is. 😉
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