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Category: Green
Declutter Your Holidays
It’s that time of year when parties and get togethers are happening weekly (or more), decorations and tree trimming supplies are in every room, and the list of To-Do’s is […]
Stress and the Liver: Balance is Everything!
Stress seems to be one of those inescapable parts of life that we deal with on a daily basis. In Chinese Medicine we know that, stress directly affects the flow […]
Fall Feng Shui: Release & Celebrate!
Since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to work in the healthcare industry and help people. I first worked in accounts receivable for a major drug wholesaler, […]
Preventive Feng Shui for the Cold and Flu Season 😷
in Clutter, De-clutter, eco, Feng Shui, Green, health, holistic health, Home, Lifestyle, natural health, Self-help, Self-love, wellnessThe kids are back in school and that means cold and flu season is in full bloom. I remember when my girls were in school, the excitement of the beginning […]
6 Feng Shui Foot Fixes for Good Health
“Death begins in the big toe.” I had a Master teacher in kung fu that would always say that and at the time I didn’t think too much about it, […]
Your Feng Shui Color Guide to Activate Your Energy and Space
Our world is overflowing with color. In a single day, we see thousands of different shades that our mind’s eye sees as cornflower blue, magenta, or olive drab, to […]
Feng Shui Tips to Reduce Anger & Improve Cardiac Health
We all know that one person who is always cranky, complaining, and angry. No matter how hard you try they’re just never going to be happy. I have a patient […]